Sunday, December 5, 2010


Sts.Peter and Paul grades 5-8 came to know that 'stewardship' is much more than an event. They sauntered, set up open-blinds, tracked life forms, monitored - made connections. All had fun learning and concerning themselves with the relationships on Cooksville Creek's riparian and watercourse. Such amazing young Naturalists to plant over 200 shrubs on the riparian - supported by CVC's Conservation Youth Corps (CYC). This school will continue its community stewardship (gr. 2 to 8) - spring 2011. The grade 7 and 8's will also gather data in a Benthic Study and learn more about the Creek's water quality.

Peel Homeschoolers (left - celebration circle) took on their stewardship of Fletcher's Creek subwatershed (Upper, Mid, and Lower) in a big way and with a great deal of passion. Damian, Pauline, Peachy and Laura were so instrumental in putting this group together. The children participated in two stewardship events - Fletcher's Valley (June) and  Credit River Flood Plain (mouth of Fletcher's - October) - partnered with CYC and Mississauga Parks and Forests . EcoFest was fun and a great learning experience as well.

Roberta Bondar grade 2 students (June 25) explored both retention ponds near-east and west of the school. They sauntered and water-colour sketched these close-by urban wilderness - urban encircled places. TbyN's staff Samantha and Gary never cease to be amazed when exploring and discovering with children in 'Middle Childhood'. Bondar's budding naturalists were no exception. The children, in their wonder, exitement and focus came to know that life here is as diverse as is the established relationships that bind them.

Tutored by Nature Inc's staff involved elementary and secondary students in 'SPS' workshops at the Winter and Fall EcoBuzz conferences. Check out the amazing art work and connections made on the retention pond behind Fletcher's Meadow S.S. We also involved community families at the Creditview Wetland BogFest (May 30) and Peel 'EcoFest'  (June). Next spring - WOW... St.Maria Goretti's students and teachers (JK - gr.8) will become stewards of Fletcher's Creek Subwatershed as they participate in the stewardship excursions on McLaughlin Valley (upper Fletcher's Creek) during April and May 2011. Can't wait.

Important DPCDSB Teacher Connect: Sts.Peter and Paul/St.Maria Goretti students and staff and Tutored by Nature partnerships had such great leadership - initiative and support from  grade 7 teacher Yvette Tetrault.' On Ya', Yvette!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

ECOBUZZ - Sketch, Paint & Shoot Gift Certificate Winners

Some 'very special' art was created at Tutored by Nature Inc's workshops at EcoBuzz's Conference, November 4, 2010. All winning art/photography and honourable mentions can be viewed - see slide show.

The winning sketch ($85.00 gift certificate from Henry's) is titled "Boundaries" (above left - Heart Lake S.S.). It's difficult to believe that this 'naturalist/artist' composed the work in 30 minutes - move over 'Group of Seven'. WOW!. The 'Photo Series' winner (see above right - Streetsville S.S.) included 3 amazing subjects - titled "Leaves", "Red Plant", and "Canada Geese" were also very special ($85.00 gift certificate from Henry's).

The Naturalist Group award (4 - $20.00 gift certificates from DeSerres and Tutored by Nature Inc). I can give away the titles/schools for the work submitted - pencil sketch "Nature's forgotten Friendship" (Streetsville S.S.) -  pencil sketch "Beautiful Berries" (Mountain Ash M.S.) - photograph "wandering violet" (Streetville S.S.) - water-colour sketch "Water Fowl" (Chinguacousy S.S.) Can you guess if it's your team?

Sunday, November 7, 2010


City of Mississauaga, The Creditview Wetland Stewardship Committee and Fallingbrook Middle School's Environment Club teamed-up - to clean-up the litter left by the community on the North Cultural Meadow of the Creditview Wetland.

Over the past summer and fall, much litter has accumulated in the North Cultural Meadow and was begging to be cleaned up. Kevin Saldanha of the Creditview Wetland Stewardship Committee has organized the local community to be participants of the City's LitterNot programme. Fallingbrook and The City of Mississauga Parks and Forests were quick to act. What a very important initiative and action by all.
Fallingbrook Middle School is now in its 6th year of stewarding this amazing jewel in the middle of Mississauga. They understand the importance of such a role. Jessika Corkum-Gorill and Lindsey Jennings - City Parks and Forests, and Fallingbrook teachers Mr. Zirnis,   Mr. Browne,   Mr. McCann and Mrs. Stober   support and advise   these   'action-minded environmentalist' student-leaders in a very necessary action. The students at Fallingbrook are very, very special wrt environment stewardship of this Wetland.

EcoBuzz Conference - Fall 2010

SKETCH, PAINT & SHOOT: TAKING A CLOSER LOOK at NATURE Tutored by Nature was so amazed by students who participated in our workshop at EcoBuzz. Christine Ogley, Samantha Fischer and Gary provided these amazing Peel 'Young Environmentalist Leaders' with an opportunity to take a close look at Fletcher's Valley retention pond - to capture the biodiverse relationships that make up this 'in-the-concrete jungle' tiny ecosystem, than to recreate their perceptions through an art form of their choice. American Toads, 'Bunny Rabbits', Staghorn Sumacs and that very interesting 'Human Technological' island in the middle of the pond...captured our attention.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


LINKING CURRICULUM TO NATURE'S TUTORIALS: Tutored by Nature Inc's vignettes that link curriculum to local watershed experiences will be included on this blogsite over the next five months. Topics will include: "How to go into Nature" (paying close attention); "What is art for?" (the purpose to include art - pencil sketch, water-colour sketch, and photography in the TbyN Inc's excursion experiences); "The art, language and science of experience - the value of the Young Naturalist's Handbook"; "The Ecological Stewardship act"; and "Local Nature experience-the role of assessment" - ideas to bridge curriulum and Nature's tutorials.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Walking the urban wilderness in body and spirit. Homeschoolers learn about true Sauntering - focusing and paying attention to connect with life forms, the waterscapes and landscapes of the Credit River Flood Plain.

Sauntering is a term Tutored by Nature borrows from Henry David Thoreau. The idea teaches young people (and their teachers) how to go into Nature. Thoreau reminds us of an important thought that helped him to focus when on his daily saunters "What business have I in the woods if I am thinking of something out of the woods." (Walking, essay published 1862, p.5). This attitude worked well for the Homeschoolers. It became more fun, when they walked blindfolded - trusting their partners with their safety. Here these 24 young naturalists prepare 'sensually' for their first saunter where Fletcher's Creek empties into the Credit River.


Postman and Weingarter (Teaching as a Subversive Activity) said it well, "The best time to learn anything is when whatever is to be learned is immediately useful." (sited in Winds from the Wilderness, page 3, 1982).

The Homeschoolers learned much about the Giant Hogweed (photo left) - or is it Cow Parsnip (what's in a name?) as we sauntered on The Credit River Flood Plain toward the mouth of Fletcher's Creek.Other 'toxics such as the Common or Wild Parsnip, Stinging Nettle - many native and invasive flora were part of Nature's Tutorials today.Such amazing young naturalists - pencil sketching, photographing, and learning first hand about alien plants that can cause skin rashes immediately upon contact. Some 'friendly advice to all' - "Always be dressed appropriately for Mother Nature's classes and pay close attention". It certainly was the best time to learn - this knowledge certainly was immediately useful .


Many critters came out just for us as we sauntered the Credit River's Flood Basin, where Fletcher's Creek flows into the Credit River. This particular Green Frog was making his traditional mating call at the Wetland (Retention Pond) within the Flood Plain ...sounding kind of like the twang of a loose banjo string.

The Homeschoolers observed and connected with other life forms too - many other flora and fauna in another part of Fletcher's Creek subwatershed - up near the creek's headwaters. Several green frogs find Fletcher's Valley to be a healthy habitat - the Retention Pond (a wetland) near where the Homeschoolers planted native shrubs. These young 6 -13 year olds made many more connections. Tutored by Nature Inc will keep you posted and invites you to comment here.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hints: This Creek is on a subwatershed of the same name and is part of the larger Credit River Watershed. St.Julia elementary, David Leader MS, Meadowvale Village (K-5), and Mississauga S.S. are on this subwatershed and within walking distance of  (?) Creek's riparian. What's its name? Post your answer and comment?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The above Chelydra (Snapping Turtle) was wandering on the north-east buffer of the Creditview Wetland and by the fence this past summer. He(?) seemed to be trying to find his way back into the marsh and swamp. Hope he got back before his predators found him.

Snappers are big compared to other turtles (45 cm or so) - with a long neck and tail and a comparatively small shell. Even though females move onto land to deposit their eggs, snapping turtles spend most of their time in the Wetland swamp crawling along the bottom. Click the picture above to get a closer look. What plants are growing on this guy's shell? Will she(?) be the last 'snapper' to have the Wetland as his(?) habitat? Is her species or those species she depends on nearly locally extinct? Who would miss her? Does she play an important role in the ecology of the Creditview Wetland for other life forms?

This amazing gem of a wetland that exists smack dab in the heart of Mississauga, harbours many such life forms. Many of her species and other significant species lost more than half of their habitat space in the mid to late 90's - then left the Wetland? Ask those homeowners who have lived in this area for the last 15 years or so. They tell the stories of experiencing the painted turtles and Snapping Turtles in their back yards, crossing roads - looking for a new home at this time.

Our children are beginning to realize that the Creditview Wetland and other local urban wilderness sites are part of their habitat as well. We and our future generations depend on healthy wetlands - healthy watersheds. Grab your camera or paint brush and try to capture this 'snapper', or perhaps a painted turtle? Get to know the creatures that make up the Creditview Wetland? Realize how we impact on their habitats? Do something about it? Too many questions?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


“Going into the woodlot for me is like going to explore a whole new world... known as Eden Woods Park...there is always something happening like...small animals scurrying around, birds tweeting, and classes working hard to restore it from the abuse it has been through.” (gr.7 student, Edenwood M.S., Eden Woods restoration programme 2002)

Friday, January 22, 2010


This local creek is part of a watershed that takes its name and runs straight through the heart of Mississauga

Monday, January 18, 2010


The phrase `Tutored by Nature` reflects important imagery and inspires focus for `Tutored by Nature Inc.` Thought communicated instructs that 'embodied' activity in local urban wilderness provides important `tacit`knowledge` for children and youth to anchor ecological understandings through first hand experience in local Nature.

Encouraging our next generations to be 'Tutored by Nature' is significant insight that begs the question 'What local wilderness is available to access Nature`s tutorials here in Peel Region?' To date, excursions and stewardships experienced by schools in Mississauga have been on local subwatersheds and watersheds - including Sawmill Creek, Carolyn Creek and the Credit River and at The Creditview Wetland. Future excursions and stewardships will also take place on Fletcher's Creek subwatershed and Cooksville Creek watershed.

For more understanding of this important direction for environmentally educating our young, read other posts within this blogspot, consider the possibilities for your school and contact us for further information at

Thursday, January 14, 2010


“The universe is not rough hewn but perfect in its details. Nature will bear the closest inspection; she invites us to lay our eye level with the smallest leaf…” (Henry David Thoreau as sited in Outward Bound’s ‘Winds from the Wilderness’, 1982, p.154)

‘Tutored by Nature Inc' provides developmentally appropriate ‘Direct Experience’ for youth from middle-childhood and up. ‘Sketch-Paint & Shoot ‘encourages observation and exploration - experiencing the small in local Nature.

In keeping with the true function of art, the budding naturalist communicates relationship - their perceptions through quick pencil sketches, water-colour sketches and/or photography. Use of ‘Macro’ and ‘Super Macro’ mode lures one to capture ‘the small in Nature’ through the lens of the camera. Experiencing and sensing how light - therefore colour blends harmoniously and defines in part,  the nature of life forms and their relationships often becomes a discovery of self / Nature relationship.

In essence, the participant accesses personal knowledge in a fun and meaningful way – a Nature kinship that seems to influence his/her sense of the aesthetic in Nature.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



1997 – 2003 - Edenwood Middle School's restoration of Eden Woods Park woodlot included designing and making cold boxes in the school shop, planting and maintaining a native species nursery, inplanting shrubs into Eden Woods, developing and maintaining woodlot trails (to lessen soil compaction), studying habitat floral and faunal relationships, integrating grade 7 science and language curriculum, inviting and educating the local community in celebration, and participating at the first Peel EcoFair 2003. Partners included City of Mississauga Parks and Recreation, Credit Valley Conservation Authority, and Shell Environment Fund. Several of these students went onto the Woodlands S.S.and continued their stewardship and growth of personal local watershed knowledge there.

2004 – 2005 - Woodlands Secondary School monitoring of Sawmill Creek – grade 10, 11 and 12 enhanced science classes monitored Sawmill Creek water quality using Citizen Environment Watch protocols - Benthics as indicators and the local air quality - lichens as indicators. Students were on the subwatershed a total of three half days. Once the data was organized, it was sent off to CEW and the CVC. These Woodland students also planted several shrubs to support wildlife habitats at Riverwood. Their experience and data was also shared with parents in the community and class representatives attended Peel EcoFair 2004 and 2005 - to present, be recognized and have their actions celebrated with other like schools in Peel Region. We thank Citizens Environment Watch  for their compassion and great programme and also, the City of Mississauga Engineers and other staff who sauntered almost the entire of Sawmill Creek with us and acted as mentors. That was a fun and great day on this subwatershed, for all. Wonder what those students and teachers are doing today?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Presentations (workshops, essays, major papers) by G.Mascola.

- 1998 ‘Restoration Ecology: A Development Perspective of Aesthetics’ – Paper written for and presented at the International Symposium for Social Sciences, Carlton University.

- 2003 ‘Ecological Restoration in Education’. A major research paper written and presented for the Canadian Association for Environmental Education Conference – Prince Edward Island.

- 2004 ‘Connecting Children To Local Watersheds Through an Extension of Their Participatory Consciousness’ (essay) – Third Writer’s Conference Workshop in honour of Rachel Carson, Boothbay Harbor Ma.

- 2006 ‘Tutored by Nature: Imagery and Commission’. An essay written and presented for the Fourth Writer’s Conference and Workshop in Honor of Rachel Carson, Boothbay Harbor Ma.

- 2006 ‘Sketch, Paint and Shoot’ – an outdoor workshop designed for participants at the Fourth Writer’s Conference and Workshop in Honor of Rachel Carson, Boothbay Harbor Ma.

- 2006 – 2008: ‘Sketch, Paint and Shoot’: An ‘on the watershed’ workshop for elementary and secondary school student leadership participants – Peel Environment Youth Alliance (PEYA) EcoBuzz Conference, Mississauga/Brampton, ON

Saturday, January 2, 2010


STUDENT CONNECTS (expressive written language):

To the teacher: Following are samples of expressive written language taken from participant log books as they experience connections in local urban wilderness settings. Expressive language, whether written or spoken is "close to the speaker and can be best understood by the listener who shares in the activity of the speaker... (expressive language) is that which we draft most of our important ideas ... most of the important things that there are in the world were probably first discussed in expressive speech with somebody who was in the context." (James Briton, "Writing to learn and learning to write."1982, p.97)

Going into the woodlot for me is like going to explore a whole new world... known as Eden Woods Park...there is always something happening like...small animals scurrying around, birds tweeting, and classes working hard to restore it from the abuse it has been through.” (gr.7 student, Edenwood M.S., Eden Woods restoration programme 2002)

I think that what we’ve done won’t really directly help the creek but will hopefully pave the way for future creek related projects, and hopefully in cooperation with the City of Mississauga, the quality of (Sawmill Creek) and area will be dealt with.” (gr.10 Woodlands S.S. student, water quality monitoring of Sawmill Creek, 2004)

I think it is pretty cool that we have this important Wetland so near our schools and houses so we can learn a lot about the environment.” (gr.6 Fallingbrook M.S. student, Creditview Wetland stewardship programme, 2006)

The day when the cloud was gray and it was like polluted air. The grade sixes went to the protected bog to plant trees all around it. As (for) myself, the excitement was jumping in my heart and nothing could stop that.” (gr. 6 Fallingbrook student, stewardship of Creditview Wetland, Oct. 2007)

Today we went sauntering it was sooo fun because we heard lots of animals like birds frogs geese and soo much more. It was also fun because we saw 5 garter snakes and I touched them. That was soo cool. It was chilly outside. But it was ok.” (gr.6 Fallingbrook M.S. young ecologist's log report, Creditview Wetland Excursions, April 18, 2008).